

At a time when women, like children, were expected to be seen and not heard its was said that she left her husband to become a trick rider in the circus. Traveling alone she entered forbidden Tibet, she was a spiritual genius and the mother of the new age. On the other hand there are those who say she was a fraud who's one real talent was that she knew how to tell a good tale. Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern culture and religion, for Buddhism and Hinduism has had a far reaching impact on the modern world. 



JACK PARSONS: JET PROPELLED ANTICHRIST is a story about one of the fathers of modern rocketry and a founder of the jet propulsion labratory (jpl) which as part of NASA still leads the way in the development of rockets and exploration of space. He was also an occultist, a sorcerer and a magus. Infamous magician Aleister Crowley the self-proclaimed great beats called him son. He called himself " The Antichrist" and was repeatedly investigated by the FBI. At the age of 38 Parsons died in a mysterious explosion that made headlines around the US. Officially it was a tragic scientific accident - other interpretation of the event persist to this day.



"We are truly into the age of chaos, long in the planning and written about openly by the big movers and shakers who lord over us. Some of them, such as Brzezinski have described the coming effects on world-wide societies as akin to the vast population movements which occurred at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

After the unification of Europe was to follow the unification of the Americas with the resulting clash of cultures and the initial mayhem produced. People slept while the Free Trade Agreement and the subsequent NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) were discussed with deliberate minimum coverage by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) controlled media.

For those who wish to check, the publicly available censored version will see it has to do, in part, with THE FREE FLOW OF GOODS AND LABOR across traditional national boundaries. People are being encouraged to blame the effect (mass influx from south) and to completely forget the cause. Out of the mayhem will materialize, as if by magic, a new Constitution of the Americas. This will be presented as the only reasonable and logical direction to go if we are all to live in peace and security.

Coupled with this will come the announcement that every citizen of the Americas must accept an INTERNATIONAL Identity Card under the guise that authorities will be able to track criminal elements moving northwards. The problem has been caused, the reaction is underway, and the solution will be presented. This is the standard Hegelian technique which never fails."

Alan Watt