Just picked up this book the other day. Recommended in the mystery of babylon series by Bill Cooper. Here is some literature on the book. link Hear the audio clip of William Cooper's Mystery Of Babylon Series.
The Mystery Babylon Series is a series of radio broadcast done by William Cooper on the occult history of the new world order. Starting with The Dawn of Man William covers the occult message to the adepts hidden in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" where the birth of the "new man" is announced. From there he takes you through the Egyptian mystery religion of Isis and Osiris and on to the beginnings of the secret society networks. From the Assassins to the Freemasons and on down to the Nazis, William Cooper shines the light of truth into the dark corners of the followers of the mystery Babylon religion and those who seek to enslave mankind in a new world order of the ages.
WILLIAM COOPER William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati & The Secret Government
THE HOUR OF THE TIME the legacy of William Cooper 1hr 26min
Author of books promoting an ancient astronaut theory of human origins. Ancient astronaut theories or paleocontact are various proposals that intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and that this contact is linked to the origins or development of human cultures, technologies and/or religions.