"The Rosicrucians is an extensively researched historical film based on rare manuscripts found at Rosicrucian headquarters in California and France. This video describes the intriguing story of this enigmatic Order, from its distant past to the exciting present. Learn how Rosicrucian ideas about education, democracy, free inquiry, human rights, and expansion of consciousness have exercised vital imprints on today's society. The narrative also includes quotations from important contributors to civilization throughout the centuries - philosophers, scientists, scholars, writers, artist - all of whom have been associated with the Rosicrucians."
Hello, It's been a while since the last post. Lets get things going again with a series of videos on Secret/Mystical societies. If your looking for Freemason videos go HERE Let's hear Grand Master Julie Scott talk about the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER and about it's relevance for people today. Enjoy....