

From Wikipedia,
" -Däniken's run-ins with the law started at an early age. In the 1960s, while working in hotels and restaurants across Switzerland, he was convicted of fraud, serving a prison sentence for defrauding his boss at one hotel. In 1967, soon after Chariots of the Gods was published he was arrested and charged by Interpol with fraud and tax evasion for non-payment of US$14,000.00. During the investigation, authorities uncovered a large personal debt totaling about US$700,000. Däniken was found guilty of embezzlement, and served more than three years in Swiss prisons. While in prison, he continued writing, and 'Return of the Gods' was subsequently published.-"

No Apocalypse in 2012

Project Camelot meets Erich von Däniken

The Mysterious World - Search for Ancient Technology

In Search Of Ancient Astronauts

On History Channel

Chariots Of The Gods

Odyssey Of The Gods

Eclectic View Point Theories Presention